Pinup Girls

Here are some really bad pinup girls, for your viewing pleasure.
Please note that they are all A) badly drawn and/or B) badly executed.

Look at the proportions on this one! She has no neck!

This is obviously a photo of a fresh tattoo, so I'm sure it evened out and looked better once it healed. However, the shading still looks splotchy, the 'halo' around her is bizarre, the mouth is wonky, and the outlines look scratchy.

The linework on this poor girl is terrible, and the drawing is too.

Wizards II

I actually like these wizards. It must be flash, or from some pretty well-known book, because I came across these today on two totally different tattoo shop sites.
If you have seen a wizard that looks like this or know where it might come from, let me know!


Here are three really bad suns, ranging from really not so bad to possibly the worst tattoo I have seen in my life. The first two are really an excuse to be able to post the third one.

This one is kind of scratchy and weird looking but the colors are good:

This one has a skull in it, and the colors aren't so great, but it's still not that bad:

But this, my friends, this is really really really bad. It's scarred, patchy, blobby, and faded.